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Ofqual recognized postgraduate qualification

  1. File in an Application Form to apply for the course.
  2. Pay for the course (Instruction will be  given for the Payment)
  3. Register you to the LRN
  4. Login Access
  5. Course Material
  6. Assignments will be provided by LRN
  7. An assignment needs to be completed and return back to Estudyquals. LRN will grade assignments. Upon completion of the assignment and passed the module, you can access the next assignment. ( 3500 Words Assignment)
  8. When you complete all modules and passed them you are eligible for Diploma.


LRN Level 5 Certificate In Teaching English To Speakers Of Other Languages (ELTAC)

Course Description

The LRN Level 5 in Teaching English to speakers of other languages is a qualification for learners who have limited experience of teaching English language.

Who is it for

The English Language Teaching and Assessment certificate is for those :

  1. needing to personally develop, or extend their skills, within a career in teaching ;
  2. with limited qualifications or experience in teaching English to adults;
  3. who wish to consolidate their understanding and/or gain a recognized qualification in teaching English language;

Entry Requirement

The Learners should have:

  • good command of English in all four language skills (i.e. listening, speaking, reading, writing) equivalent to C1 on the CERF;
  • a good basic understanding of literacy, numeracy, and ICT equivalent to level 2;
  • access to at least 12 hours of teaching practice in English language education;

Prior basic teaching experience is not a prerequisite as this is an initial teacher training qualification.

Further Studies

Obtaining an LRN level 5 certificate in teaching English to speakers of other languages  (ELTAC) will help candidates in a variety of paths. Learners may continue to obtain a higher level certification to progress to:

  • Diploma in teaching English to speakers of other languages at level 6 (subject to individual awarding organization (AO) requirements);
  • A degree level program in a teaching-related discipline;
  • Any other awarding organization (AO) qualifications at level 6 or above in teaching or another discipline ( subject to individual AO requirements);


The assessment approach for this qualification consists of:

  • Units 1-4 which are assessed by written assignments externally set and marked by LRN;
  • Unit 5 which is assessed by 2 lesson observations and a teaching practice portfolio marked internally and subsequently moderated externally by LRN;

In order to successfully achieve the qualification learner must complete and receive a grade of a pass for:

  • each written assignments (Units 1-4);
  • the two summative teaching observations (Unit 5);
  • the teaching practice portfolio (Unit 5).

Results are graded as pass or fail.

How do I study and how long does it take?

Qualification LRN Level 5 certificate in teaching English to speakers of other languages (ELTAC)

Total Qualification Time (TQT)
Guided learning hours GLH): 120 hours
Self-study (SS): 50 hours Total Assessment Time
Formative assessment: 4 hours across 5 units (4 hours max) (TAT)
Summative Assessment: 11 hours across 5 units (11 hours max) 15 hours
Total Qualification Time:  185 hours (GLH + SS + TAT)

The above timescale is indicative and each learner can work at their own pace to complete the LRN Level 5 certificate in teaching English to speakers of other languages (ELTAC).

Aims of the Modules

The LRN Level 5 certificate in teaching English to speakers of other languages (ELTAC) consists of the following  five mandatory modules :

  1. Knowledge, understanding and skills of teaching, learning and assessment in English Language Teaching (ELT);
  2. Developing Teaching, learning, and assessment in English Language Teaching (ELT);
  3. Planning  resources for Effective delivery in  English Language Teaching (ELT);
  4. Language awareness and analysis to support Skills in  English Language Teaching (ELT): Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing;
  5. Applied teaching practice in the  English Language Teaching (ELT) classroom;

Analysis of the modules:

Knowledge, understanding, and skills of teaching, learning, and assessment in ELT

The aim of the unit is to provide the learner with knowledge, understanding, and skills relating to teaching, learning, and assessment in English Language Teaching (ELT).

  • Understand the roles, responsibilities, and relationships in English Language Teaching (ELT);
  • Be able to plan inclusive teaching and learning, which is open and respectful and celebrates difference as a part of everyday life;
  • Be able to create and maintain a safe, inclusive teaching and learning environment in which all those participating feel able to actively engage, feel safe, and feel welcome;
  • Be able to deliver inclusive teaching  and learning;
  • Be able to evaluate own practice in planning, delivering, and assessing inclusive teaching and learning;

Developing Teaching, learning, and assessment in English Language Teaching (ELT)

The aim of the unit is to provide the learner with knowledge, understanding, and skills relating to developing teaching, learning, and assessment in English Language Teaching (ELT).

  • Be able to apply theories, principles, and models of  learning, communication, and assessment to planning inclusive teaching and learning;
  • Be able to apply theories of behavior management to creating and maintaining a safe, inclusive teaching and learning environment;
  • Be able to apply theories, principles, and models of learning and communication to delivering inclusive teaching and learning;
  • Be able to apply theories and models of reflection and evaluation to one’s practice in planning, delivering, and assessing inclusive teaching and learning;

Planning  resources for Effective delivery in ELT

The aim of the unit is to enable learners to develop, use and organize resources within English Language Teaching (ELT).

  • Understand the purpose and use of resources in English Language Teaching (ELT);
  • Be able to develop and use inclusive resources in English Language Teaching  (ELT);
  • Be able to evaluate own teaching and receive feedback in relation to own practice;

Language awareness and analysis to support Skills in ELT: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing

The aim of the unit is to provide the learner with knowledge and understanding of theories, principles, models, techniques, and resources applied to language analysis in English Language Teaching (ELT) in support of techniques and resources for the teaching of the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

  • Describe the application of basic concepts and associated terminology in relation to phonology, syntax, and lexis;
  • Recognize the significance of sociolinguistic aspects affecting the use of language in a communicative event bound by  particular contextual factors such as culture, geography, history or power and status;
  • Understand the application of basic concepts and associated terminology in relation to the four language skills for use in planning, teaching, learning, and assessment with reference to the Common European Framework of Reference for Language (CEFR);
  • Understand the significance of subskills for planning, teaching, learning, and assessing the four language skills with reference to the common European Framework of Reference for Language (CERF);
  • Understand the barriers to, and opportunities for, acquiring the four language skills with reference to the common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CERF);

Applied teaching practice in the ELT classroom

The aim of the unit is to assess the learner’s ability to apply theories, principles, models, techniques, and resources to planning, teaching, and assessment in the English Language Teaching  (ELT) classroom.

  • Plan and prepare a program of learning and individual lessons with particular regard to the learners’ needs;
  • Deliver effective classroom teaching by creating opportunities for learning to take place in an inclusive and safe learning environment taking account of individual learners’ needs;
  • Act professionally towards learners’ colleagues and other stakeholders;